Another member of the croaker family, cousin to the redfish. These smallish panfish can be found along the surf shoreline and passes in large number. With measurement reaching the 2 pound range when soaking wet. It will take a large number of these to make enough for a fish fry. So it is nice they do run in large packs. And like their close cousins are feisty fighters, especially on light tackle.
Feeding on crustaceans and worms, these bottom feeding dwellers will hammer a small treble hook tip with shrimp. Best bets are to look for washes along the beach shoreline where an accumulation of shell have washed up on shore. This will help locate channels out to the outer sand bars. Whiting will school near these areas looking for a cheap meal that washes by on the outgoing currents. During the summer months of July, August and September is when you'll have your best luck when searching for this Gulf species. Although not reaching great lengths, they are good to eat, especially when fry up whole like freshwater perch. Another one of Texas fish species made to order for fishing with young anglers. Since they are found in large number and put a decent fight on light tackle!!!!!