Sometimes called Leopard shark cause of his markings. This Texas species is known to be a man eater, but I would imagine just about all species of shark could be man eater if they had the inclination.. But since they are the largest species of shark to inhabit Texas waters they are the most dangerous..
The markings that they derive their name from are more pronounced on the juvenilles and fade out the older the shark gets. Found throughout the Texas Gulf Coast this species also emulates his counterpart in the animal kingdom for his nasty disposition. As the saying goes what does a 1,500 pound tiger eat, just about anything he wants too. And since it is not uncommon to find tiger longer than Shaquil O'Neal is tall, and weighing in in the hundreds of pounds. The other species of ocean inhabitants that make up Tony the Tigers diet stay well out of his way. This includes just about everything though from stingrays, squid, fish, smaller sharks, seagulls, and you and me if not careful.
Needless to say when going after one of these giants the appropriate tackle must be
used or you might as well just through the bait to him and save your line.. Although
edible the younger of the species are more disirable.. But with them reaching such great
lengths and weights. Those lucky anglers that hanging the teenagers of the species will
have enough shark steaks for the freezer to last a good while...
State Records: 1,128.98 pounds
Gulf of Mexico, May 24, 1992
Chap Cain
World Record: 1,780 pounds
Chery Grove, South Carolina June 14, 1964
Walter Maxwell