Another member of the saltwater species of game fish that has adapted to freshwater
enviorments. Thus giving those bass anglers a small taste of what it is like to have
something on the other end of the line beside a little crappy fish. A schooling species of
game fish they tend to stick close to inland bays shores. With it's primary diet
consisting of smaller bait fish and can also be taken on artificials. Spring runs up the
rivers feeding the various bays along the Texas Coast for spawning purposes, since running
water is needed for the reproduction. They are fast growers that can reach 12 inches in
their first year, adults return to the bays once the spring runs are over. Since they are
quite adapted to freshwater enviorments the stocking programs of introducing them to
inland lakes has become a rising success. And because they are so sought after for their
fighting and plate appealing ablilties many a Texas angler may not realize that there is
salt flowing in them there genes. And any fish caught should be examined carfully to see
if they are carrying any tags or not...Average size tends to be around 8 to 12 pounds with
some fish growing much larger. Which at least can give those freshwater anglers a taste of
what real fishing is all about...
State Records: 46 pounds, 8 ounces
Below Lake Amistad, May 12, 1993
Johnny Freeman
World Record: 67 Pounds, 8 ounces
San Luis, California May 7, 1992
Hank Ferguson