The smallest of the stingay family that inhabits Texas waters they are the most abundant. Thus making them the most dangerous since they come into contact more ofter with wadefishermen and delivery them infamous sting. Which is acutually a barb located in the tail and carries and protein enzyme that can cause a painful but thankfully not leathal injury. Best rememdy is to cover the infected area with meat tenderizer, this counteracts the proteins in the barb and give the angler some sort of relief, but it still will be painful for a few days. The stingray coloration is brownish on the top and lighter toward the sides with the eyes on the top. It buries itself in the sand and ambushes it's prey as they pass close by be it a small fish, crab, shrimp, mollusk or wadefishermen. Found mostly in the bays they are closely related to their cousins the Southern Stingray which is more what most people have in mind when thinking of stingrays. While Atlantic may only reach up to 2 feet, their close cousin can sometimes tip the scales in the 100's of pounds and up to 5 feet wide. And while Atlantic's roam the bays Southern are found most offshore and around passes and jetty systems. Both are edible especially the smaller of the species but only the wings. Anglers should soak the wings in salted cold water for 24 hours before cooking .
State Records: 5.25 pounds Galveston
August 10, 1991
Justin Patterson, Hitchcock
World Records: same
State Record: 214 pounds 4 ounces Bolivar
June 8, 1985
David Lee Anderson Texas City