Probably the most abundant species of fish in the Gulf Coastal waters. If not, it sure the heck seems like it!!!! These shrimp stealing masters of the bays although closely related to their more sought after cousins the speckle trout. Are a far cry both size and taste wise on the trout species ladder from the former. Two only redeeming qualities this pesky fish critter of our states water has is its ability to hold a youngsters fishing attention for hours on end during those otherwise miserable days when nothing else is biting. And the fact they when in a real pinch their meat is good enough to add to a gumbo or when nothing else is to be found in the old freezer!!!!
If by some quirk of nature, specks were as prolific as there cousins the sand trout what a wonderful world this would be. But then ""Balls cried the Queen, if I had balls I be the King!!!"" And if I had a dollar for every S.O.B sand trout I caught I could build a stadium for the Oilers, Astros, and Rockets. And our sport talk shows could deal with more pressing issues like whether Mike Tyson should be able to box again in the States, ( NOT!!!)
Found through out our Gulf Coastal waters. Like fire ants on a well manicured lawn. The sand trout calls almost all waters home. Texas bay systems, beach shorelines, jetty systems, river channel inlets, they were even observed swimming in the frozen ocean of Mars on some recent satellite transmissions. This particular species of ocean inhabitant is more than likely our first and unfortunately last recollection of saltwater fishing. Averaging a puny 15 to 20 inches or 2 to 3 pounds, with enough meat on their worthless carcasses to make to family house cat happy. With spawning habits that would give rabbits a reason to blush. You can bet that many a future generation will be catching Mr. Sand Trout for years to come. Would be willing to bet when the Earth has finally reached the end of this cycle of evolution. The remaining ocean species will be the Sand Trout. With the Cockroach holding down the Texas land species inhabitants, a close second in numbers.
Though you may have sensed a little bit of resentment toward this particular Texas saltwater species. And for those of you that somehow feel a ice chest full of Sandies is a great day on the water??? I would like to apologies. I can still recall my first fishing experiences of chuckin lead weighted leader from the rocks of Seawolf Park. When catching doubles of sand trout and loading the ice chest with seemly tons of their worthless carcasses. And thinking to myself if everybody was packing their freezers with as many fish as I was, someday this poor fish may become extinct. Funny how when you look back on things as you get older and realize just how stupid you really were!!!!!