( Spoolious Reelious)

Commonly Known as Redfish / Red

The brutes of the gulf are more than capable of giving even the most accomplished angler more than he can handle. The larger of the species are known as bull reds can reach upwards into the 50 inch plus category. And there is nothing like hooking into one of these bad boys and watching the line spool off the reel as he begins his run. Bull reds for the most part stay out in the gulf and around the jetties. The smaller fish of the species like the flats and shallow bays where they graze around looking for small fish and scrapes. Red fish are not known for their finicky eating habits, which is good news for us fishermen. They will usually eat just about anything it seem that the angler can find to throw into the water. During the spring and fall run Bull Reds and there cousins Black Drum can be caught off the shoreline of many Texas beaches. Along the various jetties systems and rocky points fishermen line up in the seemly thousands in order for the chance to hang into one of these giants. And with Texas new tag regulations fishermen are allowed to keep two reds over the legal size limit. Although the tastier meat are found in redfish within the normal legal size limits. With hand size fillets coming off fish in the legal range ready made for the old fry daddy with hush puppies on the side. Throw in a few brewshisks and it will be hard to find a better way to spend a quite Sunday afternoon, I Guarantee!!!!

Now lets talk about bait to use to get one of these excellente' red reeling off line from your pole. Redfish it seems will eat just about anything, as long as it come from your tackle box or something you laying around the bottom of the boat will do fine. Although for the Bull Red small croaker work excellent, and cut bait will also lead to that distinctive tugging on the end of your line. For the smaller of the species commonly known as rat reds. The backwater shallows is where you want to concentrate your fishing efforts. Wade fishing is the way to approach this weary prey. Looking among the grassy flats for telltale signs of tales cutting the water surface for feeding activity. Stalking your prey armed only with rod, reel and spoon/mirro-lure will get those old adrenal gland a pumping. And with the right tackle will provide the lucky angler with a fight he won't soon forget. Hooking up with one of these Rambo's of the gulf will put you and your tackle to breaking point. And what makes these such sought after game fish of the gulf is there generous numbers and the fact they are delicious to eat. And since most all form of tackle will provide the angler with hook ups from live bait such as shrimp, finger mullet, shad, and croaker. To various forms of lure such as jigs, mirro-lures, broken backs and spoons. The angler doesn't have to go out and buy a bunch of special equipment in order to fish for this species of game fish. Fly fishermen will also find that the redfish may a formative appointment will their endurance and strength. The only rule of thumb to remember when tackling one of these brutes is to make sure your line is fresh and the spool is filled to capacity. Red fish will definitely put both you and your equipment to the test. Just make sure your up to the challenge cause they definitely will be!!!!


State Records: 51 pounds and 8 ounces
Padre Island surf January 1967
Johnny (shorty) Cizmar
World Record: 94 pounds and 2 ounces
Avon, North Carolina November 7, 1984
Ferdie Van Nooten

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