This is the specie of game fish that takes a back seat to no other. Mr. Ling is sitting on the front row!!! The big daddy, the head enchilada, numero uno, that bad mother -----shut your mouth, grandaddy of the gulf coast. With this bad ( that means good) reputation there better be some excellent credentials to go along with all this attentions. And Mr. Ling has a longer rap sheet than Michael Irvin and Denise Rhodeman combined!!! This thick back, broad headed Mike Tyson of the water world can walk the talk. It is not by coincidence that he is on the top of ever off shore fisherman most wanted list. This particular species is more sought after than trying to foul Shaquil O'Neil with the ball at the end of tight play off game. Not only will he put your fishing skill to test with his tendency to put up a knock down drag out fight. Mr. Ling will also create a shambles of those old rod and reels you weren't quite sure in need of replacement.That argument will be settled within a few minutes of hooking into this bad boy.
Two reason this is the feature attraction of every true off shore fishermens wet dreams. The first is his stamina and brute strength. After landing one of these monster of the blue, catching Bull Reds will be like taking blue gill from the farm pond. The second is their delicious, delectable meat with its' melt in your mouth flavor. And with fillet the size of Too Tall Jones forearms, it doesn't take long to fill up the old freezer for many a fish fry to come. With quality of meat comparable to that of catfish only with fillets the size big enough to use as belts for most of the Dallas Cowboys offensive line. Its no wonder some fishermen might go as far as selling off their first born at a chance of getting into a school of ling.
So it almost goes without saying preparedness for tackling one of these giant of the gulf is a necessity. Tackle must be in tip top shape, one of those 19.99 surf rods will definitely not work in this fishing situations. And reels most be spooled to their limits with line worthy of the challenge. Extra long wire leaders are a definite must, there is no feeling in the world worse than once hooking into a big ling than losing him to the barnacle encrusted piling around an oil platform. And finally a good gaf is essential when trying to land one of these monsters. With fish in this class size at weights that would make Richard Simon jump out of his spandex. No fish net in the world is going to be able to land one of the jumbos.
Best methods of attack are trolling near oil platforms, shrimp boats, buoys and floating debris. Even small patches of sea weed lines will hold a ling or two. If the debris is big enough to attract other smaller bait fish it will attract ling. Choices of baits include crabs, or some form of crustaceans. Shrimp, squid and small bait fish, fished near the bottom around structure. Closer to the surface trolling menhadden or small bait fish will hopefully provide a lucky angler with a unforgettable hook up or two. Just be ready for the fight of your life when going after this particular quarry. Mr. Ling does loose many fights and rematches are few and far between!!!!!