gflounder.GIF (46195 bytes)

( Smallious Flounderious)

Commonly Known as Gulf Flounder

Gulf Flounder although similar to their close cousin the Southern do not grow as big. The do as most flounders have the ability to change colors to their enviourments thus adding to the confusion. They will though most of the time have a tan coloration with blotches and the spots in a triangle fashion. Further adding to the confusion is they inhabit the same territories and feed on similar foods. Diet consist of small baitfish and shrimp, and habitats are grassy shoreline or muddy channels where they bury themselves in wait to ambush their prey. Anglers should be able to tell the difference if they catch a smallish flounder look for the telltale spots. Though they are not as abundant as their cousin they are just as delicious


State Records: N/A

World Records: 2 pounds, 15 ounces Cayo Costa Island , Florida
March 24, 1991
Alan Rubin

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