( Excellentious Baitious)

Commonly Known as Atlantic Croaker

Better known as the poor mans saltwater perch, the croaker can be delicious when fried up whole like freshwater perch. But to those experienced saltwater enthusiast, it is more highly regarded for their ability to entice a strike from a trophy size speck. Found throughout the bay system the croaker can be caught in good numbers especially when the fall spawning season is in full swing. Mostly feeding on bottom on small crustaceans a double treble hook leader rig with shrimp sometimes doubles your fun. During the months of October and November many a croaker will be ""looking for love in all the wrong places!"" Fishing around structure like bridges, oyster reefs, shipping channels, passes and cuts is where you'll find these fall singles bars. With no problem loading up a few ice chest with these miniature redfish of the Texas bays.

Not known for reaching the distant cousins size, though sometime hitting the scales in the 3 to 4 pound range. They can afford, especially a youngster a spirited fight for their size on light tackle. Something they have in common with their redfish relatives. So the next time when the more sought after species just don't seem to be hitting. And those chilly fall winds are cutting through you and your offspring and a little fishing action would do the trick to get the old blood circulating. Check out the nearest reef with a small offering of shrimp on a treble hook fished on the bottom. Nothing like catching 50 or so croaker to get the old adrenalin pumping, especially in a young angler!!!!!


State Records: 5 pounds 2 ounces
East Galveston Bay July 10 , 1971
Earl Merendino, Port Arthur
World Record: none

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