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( Tisketious a Tasketious)

Commonly Known as Bonnethead Shark

A close cousin to the hammerhead the bonnethead differ in their heads are more shoveled or rounded than their close cousins. Coloration is grey to greyish-brown on the back and paler on the lower sides. Another feature that differs from their cousin is they get no where near the size of hammerhead. Mostly found in the surf and bays this is one of the more common of sharks to Texas waters. Diet consist of small fish, shrimp, squid and crab and can be found following shrimp boat for the scramps thrown overboard. Although edible it is not sought after due to the fact it is not a good fighter even on light tackle and the meat is not as good as other species of shark. Best bet is to give him a good look when you boat him, they are weird looking creatures and release him back to doing his thing.



State Records: 22.81 pounds Gulf of Mexico
July 13, 1991
Bill Kirschner, Pflugerville


World Record: Same

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