Rare to Texas waters, hence the name Atlantic Bonito. It's family tree is more in the mackerel mangrove rather than the tuna's even though it looks more similar to the tuna tree. A hard fighter, this open water species can be found in Texas waters in warmer summer months. Diet consist mostly of smaller fish species and will usually be accidentally caught while trolling for other species. Often confused with little tuna's, also of the bonito family. Atlantic Bonito's distinguishing features include dark blueish coloration above with silvery shading below. Dark stripes running obliquely from near the lateral line to the back. the flesh is edible but mostly soft and extremely oily. Although can be allot of fun catching especially on light tackle when nothing much else is biting.
State Records: 4 pounds, 13.6 ounces Galveston
March 29, 1986
Parrick Maass, Katy
World Record: 18 pounds 4 ounces fayal Islands, Azores
July 8, 1984
Gama Higgs