Knobbed Porgy's are found offshore around oil platforms and deep water structure. If
you are on structure that is holding Snapper then 9 times out of 10 you will also be
hooking up with several of these fish throughout the day also. Armed with sharp
incisor-like teeth Porgies like to feed on barnacles and small crustaceans that attach
themselves to offshore structure. Unfortunately with their small mouths and sharp teeth
they are also expert bait stealers that most Snapper fishermen know all too well. Although
edible their sharp fin spines make the job too difficult especially when those famed
snapper fillets are in the same general proximate.Coloration is silvery with yellowish
splotches around is mouth. Above the nostrils is a knoblike protrusion, hence the name
Knobbed Porgy.
State Records: 4 pounds, 2.8 ounces Flower Gardens
June 20, 1986
Adolph Schulz, Galveston
World Record: None