An uncommon species in Texas waters, this species when found is usually caught by
anglers fishing for snapper. Probably more familiar to scuba divers in the Caribbean's
they are usually served as a delicacies for an evening dinner on a bed of rice.. Hence
their name Nassau, as in Bahama Mamma... Found mostly around oil platforms, deep water
reefs, and rough bottom snapper banks. A Texas angler that brings one of these species to
the deck of the boat is having a very lucky day of fishing indeed.. Spectacularly color in
a wide variety of colors, they are not only fun to look at above water but really stand
out among the crowded reefs underwater. And make some excellent underwater shots for
scuba-diving cameramen... Not growing quite as large as the cousins the Warsaw's or
jewfish they do tend to get into the double digits, just the right size for a nice
State Records: none
World Record: 27 lbs and 8 ozs.
Bimini, Bahamas April 22, 1989
Richard Sullivan