A close cousin to the Jack and Pompano, the Amberjack is slender and more
streamline. A migratory species the best times to hook up with one in Texas waters are
during the warmer months. Prime time is May through September. Bottom feeders by nature
they co-inhabit oil rigs and shell banks with snapper's. So when snapper anglers are busy
hauling in a ice chest full of snapper, a few of these are bound to get haul across the
deck of the boat for good measure.. Although hard pulling, the amberjack is not noted for
his fighting skills. Using his wide body for resistance he will put up a decent fight for
fishermen, especially on lighter tackle.. Amberjacks are edible, but with the choice
between them and a nice Snapper most anglers enjoy the fight and send them back to the
bottom, no worse for wear, to fight another day
State Records: 107 lbs and 8 ozs.
Freeport offshore: June 6 1987
Fred Carter
World Record: 155 lbs and 10 ozs.
Challenger Bank Bermuda, June 24 1981
Joseph Dawson